You never cease to amaze me and for sure, with this idea, you are on the front edge of cultural progress. I applaud you in every way I know how and salute your persistent drive for positive change.

Joel Salatin
Polyface Farms
HUGE thanks again for inviting me to TBYH, that was a fantastic event and really an amazing group of people. Let me know how I can help with any of your future endeavors.

Robb Wolf
I had so much fun at the last one - it was truly an outstanding event. I'd love to consider the next one.

Vani Hari
Thank you so much for considering me! I enjoyed my time at the conference last year and would be happy to be part of it again.

Lisa Bronner
... great job at putting the conference together. We enjoyed ourselves and look forward to the next one!

Ryan Debaun
Thank you for a lovely day. I'm so grateful for you. Thank you for including me. I was so honored. Congrats on your success.

Ami Valpone
You are an amazing dynamo! You are doing so much to serve so many! Keep it up, amiga!!!

Hilda Labrada Gore
Wise Traditions Podcast Host
There is a positive energy that circulates wherever you gather a group. It works miracles for us all.

Susan B.
Nutritional Therapist and Farmer
What a blessing you are to this world. There is hope that comes into each and everyone's heart when they experience Take Back Your Health sessions. I want to thank you very much for bringing me back into the fold of TYBH. The array of information is phenomenal and I am grateful.

Christine K.