8 Biohacking Instagram Feeds We Love

Curate your "scrolling" time with the best inspiration you can find!

Written and Compiled by TBYH Staff

We absolutely love the biohacking mindset – a lifestyle to foster the most ideal and optimal environment for your body to function.

The Biohacking lifestyle focuses on allowing your body to do what it does best – heal, regenerate and thrive – by removing the obstacles in its way. 

We aren’t into all of the fancy biohacking tech gadgets (especially those utilizing wifi technology), but at its core biohacking is an awesome approach to healing. 

We find a lot of inspiration from a few biohacker accounts on instagram that we want to share with you today!

Encouraging you to spend more time on social media is not our intention here, but we see the value in following a few select accounts that provide inspiration, information and support that lifts you up.

There is value in curating the information that goes into your mind so that it gives you knowledge in a way that is helpful instead of stressful, and leaves you feeling excited and empowered instead of fearful and helpless.

So, below we’ve compiled a list of our favorite biohacker accounts on instagram. These accounts inspire and push us to think beyond limits and bring us back to our most basic nature as humans, grounding us in simple truths about what we need to be our happiest and healthiest.

We hope that within this list you’ll find the motivation that you need to take yourself to the next level!


1. @livevitae

Ryan Carter is a registered nutritionist, personal trainer and certified health coach. While he doesn’t call himself a biohacker on his profile, he is living and sharing a lifestyle that helps a body and mind perform at its highest level. 

Every single one of his posts is positive, uplifting, helpful or relevant. He takes trending healthy lifestyle hacks that we are all chasing to perfect, and humanizes them.

His posts are so fun and on point that we can get lost scrolling back through his feed. We think that you’ll love his account!


2. @thebiohackingnurse

Cheyanne Welton is a registered nurse, biohacker and avid traveler. She is known among the top 50 biohackers in the world and brings much needed female energy to the lifestyle.

As a young child she faced several health issues like fatigue and depression, and later on mold toxicity and lyme disease. Cheyanne has spent nearly a decade studying with experts on the key to unlocking health. She has discovered that it all revolves around one thing. You are as healthy as your mitochondria.

Cheyanne is passionate about bringing key insights how to “hack” your mitochondria, including bio hacks for sleep, light, mood, and detoxification.


3. @neurohacker

Neurohacker is a collective of over a dozen scientists and biohacking enthusiasts. Originally founded with the intention of promoting products to hack mental health, they are now sharing really interesting and valuable information on their account – all around hacking your brain function.

We think you’ll find this angle to biohacking refreshing – including tips on cognitive flexibility, stress adaptation, vagus nerve health, improving thought patterns, sleep optimization, neurotransmitter production and more.


4. @holistichilda

Holistic Hilda is a joyful ancestral health advocate, the Wise Traditions podcast host, sun seeker & biohacker, and podcast coach. Hilda brings a playful energy to biohacking, encouraging us to just have fun with our journey back to health.

On her account, she shares her biohacking mindset, her travel adventures and her upcoming events where you can hear her speak and practice healthy biohacking lifestyles with her. You’ll also find lighthearted messages and clips from her interviews with amazing leaders in the health freedom movement and biohacking world. We think you’ll love following her!


5. @primalhacker_

Thaddeous Owen and his wife Tomorrow post about Biohacking, Conspiracy and Spirituality. They are always sharing their adventures out in nature while living this biohacking lifestyle with their retreat guests and children. 

We loved their account because not only do they always share love, light and their best hopes for you to find health, but they share their family biohacking lifestyle. This can be so inspiring for parents who struggle to bring healthy habits into the spousal relationship and the family dynamic. We highly encourage you to follow this account!


6. @bengreenfieldfitness

Ben Greenfield describes himself as an Author, Speaker, Father, Leader, Lover, and Man of God. He is the Co-Founder & Spokesman of @kion. Of course we couldn’t share a list of our favorite biohacking account without including his!

While he doesn’t describe himself as a biohacker on his account profile, Ben Greenfield is living every moment of every day with the intention of being better at all of the ways he shows up in his life – as a father, author, speakers, leader and lover. His self motivation and determination are contagious and inspiring. We think you’ll feel strong and empowered after reading through some of his posts!


7. @timbiohacker

Tim Gray is the UK’s leading Biohacker, Founder @healthoptimisationsummit and the just-launched Health Optimisation Digital Course.

Tim’s instagram feed is so full of useful and motivating actionable items that we always feel like jumping out of our chairs and running outside into the sunshine, or doing some sprints after reading his content. If you need someone who is all about supporting you in becoming your best, while sharing his wins and failures, and giving you realistic goals, then you need to follow this account!


8. @biohackingsecrets

Anthony DiClementi is a Biohacker, Entrepreneur. Podcast host, Author, Light Warrior and founder of the New Earth Community. We love that on his profile he shares one of our favorite lines from the Lord’s Prayer: “on earth as it is in heaven”.

Anthony is one of few biohackers who has truly committed to regularly sharing his real concerns over what is happening to our health freedoms. He and his team have launched a new project called the New Earth Community that will be a collective of families who are creating an off-grid community free from wifi, injection passports and digital slavery. He promotes a lifestyle that gets us back to the earth, back to our roots, and back to our true health potential. You’ll find lots of love and inspiration on his account!



What’s your favorite biohacking account or tip? Leave it below!



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