Ben and Jessa Greenfield’s Morning Routine

Spiritual Self Care

Ben and Jessa Greenfield’s Morning Routine

At our recent Raising Free Range Kids Conference, Ben and his family shared their morning routines. Meet Ben and his family around their dinner table to hear what a day in the life of the Greenfield family is like, what kind of education they chose for their two sons, and how their faith and family values guide their parenting style.

About Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield is a human performance consultant, speaker, and bestselling author of 17 books, including Beyond Training, Fit Soul and the Boundless Cookbook. A former collegiate tennis, water polo and volleyball player, bodybuilder, and 13-time Ironman triathlete, Ben has been voted by the NSCA as America’s top Personal Trainer.


We want to remind you that Take Back Your Health™ is not a medical authority!  We create spaces for our communities to share health concerns and find resources to aid their health journeys.  At our conferences, we invite experts to share about their areas of research or experience.  

We encourage you to consult with these experts or other professionals before applying the advice to your situation. 

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