Ancestral Mothering

with Hilda Labrada Gore

Ancestral Mothering

Hilda Labrada Gore, mother of four, shares insights for creating a home environment that is healthy, happy, loving and secure. She tells a birth story (or two),and offers ideas for nourishing the family well, on a budget. Plus, she offers tips to empower parents to lead their families in the way that works best for them.

About Hilda Labrada Gore

Hilda Labrada Gore always dreamed of having a big family. Once she and her husband had four kids under the age of five, they figured that was big enough. They learned a lot along the way (both the children and the parents), especially when they came across the Wise Traditions lifestyle. Hilda is the host and producer of the Wise Traditions podcast and travels the world seeking ancestral wisdom and insights for healthy living for all ages.


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