Grow Your Own

Food Is Medicine




There are so many things to consider when starting your garden…what to plant, when to start, germination rates, the importance of the soil and so much more! Luckily we have collected a list of some of our most favorite garden experts as well as a list of our favorite seed catalogs to give you a headstart!

Whether you have a pot on your fire escape with your favorite kitchen herbs, acres of land for endless planting or something in between…growing your own food and herbs for medicine will not only give you access to some of the most nutrient dense food available but there are endless studies on the benefits of gardening for mind, body and spirit!

Planning a garden and starting seeds is also a great way to teach children about where their food comes from as well as helps to encourage healthy eating, enhances fine motor development and is a a fun family activity that helps kids to learn, plan and organize! The science and the magic of growing will build skills that will last them a lifetime!

Now that the daylight hours have begun to grow again we anticipate the green season to come….make some tea and settle in! These links are full of GMO Free/Heirloom seeds, starts, online classes, webinars, books and more! Click the images to dive in! Happy gardening!









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Heal Your Body and Mind with C. Norman Shealy