Black mold in the corner of room wall

What To Do If You Suspect Mold In Your Home

An Interview with “The Biohacking Nurse”

Whether you are struggling with a chronic illness or looking to protect your immunity, it is important to make sure your home and environment are free of dangerous toxins. One major offender is mold. Mold can be intimidating to treat and hard to escape when it is in your house. So, we pulled our conversation with Cheyanne Welton, RN, from our conference archives to share information and tips to help us create cleaner, healthier homes!

Toxin Overload: Why You’re Always Sick

Cheyanne shared that her journey through nursing school led her to be curious about the underlying cause behind why we get sick. Through her own studies and search for healing for herself, she found that every person has a certain threshold for different toxins. Some are more impacted by specific toxins than others, but everyone can suffer from having too many. 

As explained by the “toxic bucket theory”, your body can only handle so many toxins before the bucket overflows and you start to feel really sick. The immune system reacts to toxins as threats. When you have daily exposure to toxins, your immune system can be worn down from being in a state of constant defense. Recurring acute illnesses or a chronic illness that never improves can be signs that your toxic bucket is overflowing and needs to be emptied. Often there can be one big stressor that is the biggest offender.

“Most people have a big step they have to take that will start to move the needle,” Cheyanne shared. For her and many of her patients, that big step was escaping mold.

How Living in a Moldy House Affects You

When your health never seems to improve, Cheyanne shared that it is time to look at the other factors that could be holding you back:

When protocol after protocol doesn’t work, you really need to look into your home.

For people already in an overloaded toxic state, mold can be the underlying cause making everything worse. When it is part of your daily environment, where you sleep and relax, maybe even work, then your immune system never gets a break from the stress of fighting it.

Cheyanne shared that many people can tell if they are living in a moldy environment by paying attention to how they feel. She shared that some of her patients will notice when they go on vacation that they feel much better and start feeling sick again after they return. 

Two of the most common symptoms of mold exposure she has seen in her patients are emotional breakdowns (excessive crying, increased anger in men) and heart problems. These symptoms will be experienced when in the home or moldy environment.

Three Ways to Test for Mold

Cheyanne recommended three different levels of tests to check your house for mold. These are in order of price and thoroughness:

  1. Test plates: Micro Balance Health Products, $33
  2. ERMI Test:, about $300
  3. Evaluation by a Building Biologist. Find one in your area if possible. They often charge per sample and some can also measure EMFs.

Tips to Alleviate Sickness from Mold in House

If your mold test results come back positive, there is no need to fear. Once you know that mold is a contributing issue, you can start taking the right steps to protect yourself while you make a game plan. 

If you cannot move out of the moldy environment, Cheyanne recommends the following steps. These tips will make you feel better while you are going through this process.

  • Watch coffee, which can be a very moldy substance (even organic coffee!). Find a trustworthy brand, like Purity or Keyone. Or, switch to a coffee substitute!
  • If you can tolerate coffee, use coffee enemas. These are extremely beneficial in improving microbiome health and reducing gut toxicity, as many people dealing with mold are dealing with a pathogen as well.
  • Practice Grounding. Daily grounding (touching your bare skin to the bare earth) is important. Pair it with daily sun when possible! Grounding gives us electrons that act as antioxidants, and the sun literally feeds our mitochondria, which are uniquely designed to absorb photons from the bands of near infrared light from the sun (especially the early morning sun). It brings back up levels (MSH) that the moldy environment weakens.
  • Reduce your EMF exposure.
  • Try nasal rinsing, as mold spores can collect in the nasal passages.
  • Keep surfaces clean, especially of dust. Make sure your vacuum has a HEPA filter, as this will remove mold and large particles that carry mold from the air and your carpets.

The goal is to decrease toxicity while improving mitochondrial function. The above steps will help you do this. Once your body is relieved of some of the toxic burden it’s carrying, it will be able to start healing.

About Cheyanne Welton, RN, “The Biohacking Nurse”

Cheyanne Welton, RN, also known as “the biohacking nurse”, is a registered nurse, avid traveler, and known amongst the top 50 biohackers in the world. As a young child she faced several health issues like fatigue and depression, and later on mold toxicity and Lyme Disease. Cheyanne has spent nearly a decade studying with experts to find the key to unlocking health. She has discovered that it all revolves around one thing: you are as healthy as your mitochondria. Cheyanne is passionate about bringing key insights on how to “hack” your mitochondria, including biohacks for sleep, light, mood, and detoxification. You can find out more about her on her website or connect with her on Instagram!

Get Instant Access to Cheyanne’s Talk and Others!

Want to get instant access to Cheyanne’s full talk, “Mold and Chronic Illness”, and learn from other experts in health and wellness about how to build and protect immunity? Get instant access to our virtual conference, “Our Global Microbiome”, right here!

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