6 Benefits of Drinking Fresh, Raw Spring Water

Could spring water be the healthiest water for humans?

Fresh, raw spring water is one of the most natural sources of drinking water for humans. It has several essential health qualities that are very hard to duplicate on your own at home with filters or other gadgets.

However, there are some concerns about the health risks and the obstacles to drinking fresh spring water in our modern, fast-paced, and toxic world.

We believe the risks can be mitigated and that the benefits are far greater than any obstacles. Read on for the amazing health benefits of drinking fresh, raw spring water plus the concerns (and solutions)!

6 Benefits of Drinking Fresh Spring Water

1. Naturally Filtered
Fresh, raw spring water has been filtered through the earth’s natural sediments and natural “carbon filters.” Spring water has traveled through the entire water cycle and has been filtered through the layers of the earth’s sediment two times – once on the way down to the aquifers – and once on the way back up to the surface of the earth. This long natural filtration process removes most of the impurities from the water. If you’ve ever experienced cool spring water rushing out of the ground or over rocks, you can just see and feel how clean it is.

2. Mineral-Rich
As a result of spring water traveling so far underground through natural rock and sediment, it contains naturally occurring essential trace minerals that are oscillating in a state that our body recognizes and absorbs well.

3. Free
You can find many public springs on FindaSpring.com. They are not privately owned and you can gather as much spring water as you like. If you don’t find a spring near you on FindaSpring.com, try asking around your community. Older generations may still know where the best “drinking holes” are. You can also try asking the people who work at your local health food stores.

4. More Hydrating
As the water is propelled through underground crevices and splashes over creek rocks, the physical connection with the earth gives and saturates the water with hydrogen electrons (antioxidants). This gives spring water a negative charge from the natural motion they go through to reach the surface of the earth, making it more hydrating and health-restoring. The H2O molecules in spring water are also oscillating in more natural, smaller clusters than the H2O molecules coming from tap or bottled water. This creates more surface area within the water molecules in your glass of water. These two factors combine to make spring water more hydrating (easier for our cells to absorb) than any other kind of filtered or processed water.

5. Sustainable

Consuming spring water instead of bottled or tap water is a more sustainable option. It is respectful of the earth’s natural flow of water. The cycle of water on Planet Earth is fascinating – from evaporation, to condensation, to rainfall, to absorption into the earth and filtration through sediment, to the flow through underground rivers and lakes – it all works together to create a thriving planet.

6. Healthy Habit-Forming
Fresh, raw spring water doesn’t just show up on your doorstep! (Although we know some small startups that are trying to make this possible!) You will actually need to go outside, maybe hike a little ways, and lift bottles of water out of and back into your car in order to bring this precious water back to your home for consumption. The sunshine, the fresh air, and the movement are all essential to good health as well. (Who else is a multi-tasker when it comes to healthy habits?!)

7. “Magically” Healing
We believe that the earth contains natural mechanisms that keep our bodies balanced, many we still haven’t discovered! One area that is earning greater attention is the global microbiome. All living things are connected and communicating biologically and energetically via microbial, fungal, and viral DNA and other chemical signals. Fresh, raw spring water contains trillions of particles of this DNA, in addition to microscopic living organisms, both of which play important roles in our body’s evolution of health.

Addressing Concerns about Drinking Spring Water:

The three biggest concerns we’ve heard about using spring water are 1) the time it takes to go gather the water, 2) the potential for bacterial contamination, and 3) the potential for environmental toxin contamination.

All of those are valid concerns, but we think we have some awesome solutions!

1. Time

If you don’t have the time or energy to gather spring water, then you don’t. It may be better to get spring water delivered to your home.

However, gathering spring water can become a valuable outdoor activity – a reason to get you outside if you are struggling to find one. It can also become a regular fun family activity: make a weekend excursion out of it twice a month!

There are also groups that have met on FindaSpring.com that share water gathering duties. If that interests you, you can go to that website and leave a comment on one of the springs listed in your area with your contact info and people will start to connect with you to make plans.

2. Bacterial Contamination

If you’re concerned about bacterial contamination, follow proper spring water gathering procedures.

  • Only gather from a spring where other people drinking that water can validate the safety of the water.
  • Never gather from anywhere except where the water is directly exiting the earth.
  • Avoid agricultural areas where spring water could be contaminated with farm manure runoff.
  • Never gather within 24 hours after a light rainfall, or 2-3 days after intense rainfall.

If there was a rare bacteria that got into the spring, to us, a few days of a stomach bug sounds better than chronic low-dose lead and chloroform poisoning. But again, that’s just me. The more you consume spring water, the stronger your immune system will be. You’ll also take in beneficial probiotics from the earth and soil.

3. Environmental Toxins

If you’re concerned about pesticide or toxin contamination, perform these home water tests on the spring water before consuming: Test 1 & Test 2. Don’t forget to also test for Radon.

On another note, if you get city water, make sure to look up your water source on the EWG drinking water database to find out what toxins are found in your water.

We hope this helps you improve the quality of your drinking water! Let us know if you get fresh spring water and if you like it!

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